Sunday, January 30, 2011

High School Competition Squad of the Week

Edwardsville High School Competition Squad 2008

This week I decided to choose a squad and their practice video. I like actual competition videos better, however I could not find one for this squad. None the less, this is an amazing squad. I love their opening stunt sequence, where there are five stunt groups in a diagonal. During that stunt sequence groups three and five have one base step out and do a standing tuck, which means that only two people were holding their flyer in the air as apposed to the normal three or four. I also really enjoy their pyramid during their cheer, it has non-stop movement and really flows well. However, I do not like the length of their cheer; I am not a fan of extremely long cheers. I like that this is a video of this squad at practice; it shows what a typical competition practice is like. Once you learn the routine, every practice consists of just running the routine full-out.

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